Carlos Alberto dos Santos Marreiros , born in Macau in 1957, Architect established by his own Practice, University Professor, Artist and author of three books as well as countless articles and literary essays published in Portuguese, Chinese and English. Returned to Macau in 1983, although never having worked as a Civil Servant but served a Commission of Service at a high level to the Territory's Administration from (1983- 1986) and as President of the Cultural Institute of the Government of Macau (1989- 1992).

Graduated from ESBAL- Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon (1981), carried out an internship in the then West Germany and a Masters in Urban Renovation in FAU, University of Darmstsdt (1981- 1983). President and Honorary Counsellor of various cultural associations of Macau, from 1983, and was decorated with the Medal for Cultural Merit from the Macau Government in 1987; Member of the Committee for the Architectural, Urban and Cultural Heritage Protection (1983 - 1989), Director of Prescott & Partners Design Group (Architecture and Engineering)(1988 - 1989); Member of the Cultural Council of the Macau Governor (1988 - 1999); President of the Arts Festival of Macau (1990 - 1992), Member of the Territorial Commission for the Commemorations of the Portuguese Discoveries (1989 - 1999), Member of the National Council of UNESCO, C.N.C, Lisbon, since 1990; Founding member of the Eugénio de Andrade Foundation, Porto since 1993; President of The Circle of Friends of Culture, Macau - C.A.C - and of the Association "Macau Sempre"; Professor at the National Academy of Fine Arts, State University of Shanghai, People's Republic of China, (since 1992); Elected president of the Holy House of Mercy of Macau (1997 - 1999), President of the Board of The Macau Architects Association (AAM) (1999 - 2001) and of the General Assembly of the Juvenile Association of Studies in Chinese and Portuguese Culture of Macau; Chairperson in Visual Anthropology, Master Degree Program in Intercultural Relations (1997 - 1998) from the International Open University, Macau and is Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Huaqiao, Peoples Republic of China, Member of the Environmental Council of the Macau Government (from 1998). Elected Member of the Selection Commission of the Special Administrative Region of Macau (1999). Decorated on 10th June 1999, with the Medal of Merit of the Highest Distinction of the Territory - by the Governor of Macau - and on the 5th October by the President of the Republic of Portugal, bearing the tittle Great Officer of the Order of Prince Henry. Obtained numerable awards in the field of Architecture and Arts, from which is highlighted the "Health Centre, Tap Seac" Macau, having been singled out for the A.A.M prize as the Best Institutional Building of the Year, (1991), and the Grand Prize of the Jury for the International Exhibition on Contemporary Architecture of China (1999), organised in Beijing by the XX Congress of UIA - International Union of Architects.

Is Trustee of the Macau Foundation (since 2001), member of Macau-SAR Government Consultative Council of Culture (since 2001) and of the Macau-SAR Government Environment Council (since 2000).

Is president of the GA of The Macau Architects Association and delegate of the Council of ARCASIA-Architects Regional Council of Asia (1999-2002) and Deputy Chairman of ARCASIA for Region C (PRChina, Japan, South Korea, HKSAR and MSAR) 2003-2004.

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